Fortune 500 Healthcare Provider finds new insights in Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) data with a 20X improvement in speed to insight
Company Profile

Fortune 500 Healthcare Solution Provider


Healthcare Services




The business team wanted to leverage Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) insights to improve health outcomes for members including ways to lower emergency room visits, inpatient admissions and inpatient lengths of stay.


The business team was trained to use Aible and self-sufficiently improve their speed to insights. Aible enabled them to analyze datasets in minutes by just choosing the health condition they wanted to understand. Within days, they were able to perform in-depth analysis of SDoH across 5 unique health conditions by region.


20X improvement in speed to insights.

"I absolutely love using Aible. As a Technology Manager I see the best fit for Aible in our organization. Our business users were able to get into the tool and explore patterns and interactions in our data which seemed impossible to do prior to using Aible.”

- Program Director

Use Case & Project Details

  • Use Case

    Identify insights from Social Determinants of Health (SDoH)

  • Potential Project Results

    20X improvement in speed to insight

  • Time from data provision to project completion:

    15 days

  • Elapsed time from start of data evaluation to actionable insights on serverless infrastructure:

    3 minutes per dataset on average


Fortune 500 healthcare company uses AI from Aible to identify
actionable insights in 15 days

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